It's Something All of Us in the West Have in Common.
Published on May 15, 2010 By Infidel In Religion

Albert Einstein once said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".

Epperson v. Arkansas, 393 U.S. 97 (1968), was a United States Supreme Court case that invalidated an Arkansas statute that prohibited the teaching of human evolution in the public schools. The Court held that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits a state from requiring, in the words of the majority opinion, "that teaching and learning must be tailored to the principles or prohibitions of any religious sect or dogma." The Supreme Court declared the Arkansas statute unconstitutional because it violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

Daniel v. Waters was a 1975 legal case in which the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit struck down Tennessee's law regarding the teaching of "equal time" of evolution and creationism in public school science classes because it violated the Establishment clause of the US Constitution.

Hendren et al. v. Campbell et al. was a 1977 ruling by an Indiana state superior court that the young-earth creationist textbook Biology: A Search For Order In Complexity, published by the Creation Research Society and promoted through the Institute for Creation Research, could not be used in Indiana public schools. The ruling declared: "The question is whether a text obviously designed to present only the view of Biblical Creationism in a favorable light is constitutionally acceptable in the public schools of Indiana. Two hundred years of constitutional government demand that the answer be no."

McLean v. Arkansas Board of Education, 529 F. Supp. 1255, 1258-1264 (ED Ark. 1982), was a 1981 legal case in Arkansas which ruled that the Arkansas "Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science Act" (Act 590) was unconstitutional because it violated the establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution. The judge, William Overton, handed down his decision on January 5, 1982, giving a clear, specific definition of science as a basis for ruling that “creation science” is religion and is simply not science.

Edwards v. Aguillard, 482 U.S. 578 (1987) was a case heard by the Supreme Court of the United States in 1987 regarding creationism. The Court ruled that a Louisiana law requiring that creation science be taught in public schools along with evolution was unconstitutional, because the law was specifically intended to advance a particular religion.

Tammy Kitzmiller, et al. v. Dover Area School District, et al. (400 F. Supp. 2d 707, Docket no. 4cv2688) was the first direct challenge brought in the United States federal courts against a public school district that required the presentation of intelligent design as an alternative to evolution as an "explanation of the origin of life."The plaintiffs successfully argued that intelligent design is a form of creationism, and that the school board policy thus violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

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on May 25, 2010

it is that evolution I'm talking about and strongly object to being taught to students "as fact".

I would agree with that.  It shouldn't be taught as 'fact' and, hopefully, isn't.  It should be taught as the scientific theory that best fits the observed evidence.  No more, no less.

Creationism or ID, on the other hand, shouldn't be taught as science at all.

on May 25, 2010


Evolution isn't 'generated', BTW - it just happens.

And my point all along is that according to the definition of evolution...

 As per biology textbooks, the definition of EVOLUTION is: a molecules-to-man natural transformation in which new, "higher" genetic information is gained which was not possessed by one's ancestor.

 As per the World Book Dictionary the definition of Evolution is: something evolved; product of development; not a sudden discovery or creation. the theory that all living things developed from a few simple forms of life through a series of physical changes. According to evolution, the first mammal developed from a type of reptile and ultimately all forms are traced back to to a simple, perhaps single celled, organism. is impossible for evolution to, as you say,  "just happen"!!!

This evolution doesn't just happen and teaching it as such is wrong, very wrong.

It should be taught as the scientific theory that best fits the observed evidence. No more, no less.

Yes, this is the discipline of science. But where is the observed evidence for evolution as per the textbook and dictionary definition? There isn't any that support it.

on May 25, 2010

it is impossible for evolution to, as you say, "just happen"!!!

You are quite wrong.  It is not only theoretically possible, it has occurred.

Nothing about the World Book Dictionary definition contradicts what I maintain.  I'd be interested to know what biology textbook you quoted from.  And what schools use it.

on May 25, 2010

 Yet, all the evidence brought forward has only conflicted. contradicted or disproven it.

Name three examples.

And by examples I mean facts that contradict Darwin's theory, not anecdotes that contradict your understanding of evolution.


on May 25, 2010

Why do you use a dictionary to learn about evolution?


on May 25, 2010

Creationism is too true to be science. Truth explains both the observed and everything else. Science explains only the observed. Science is about facts, not truth.

Science is about facts and truth. Chemist Linus Pauling winner of 2 Nobel prizes said, "Science is the search for truth." Bruce Alberts Pres. of the US National Academy of Sciences said, "Science and lies cannot coexist."

Science can also be defined as knowledge, the study of reality.

I believe in Special Creation as per Genesis. Even though science gives evidence to the concept of Special Creation, no one that I know of is trying to make Creationism a science.


on May 25, 2010

lula posts:

As per the World Book Dictionary the definition of Evolution is: something evolved; product of development; not a sudden discovery or creation. the theory that all living things developed from a few simple forms of life through a series of physical changes. According to evolution, the first mammal developed from a type of reptile and ultimately all forms are traced back to to a simple, perhaps single celled, organism.

daiwa posts

You are quite wrong. It is not only theoretically possible, it has occurred.

Nothing about the World Book Dictionary definition contradicts what I maintain. I'd be interested to know what biology textbook you quoted from. And what schools use it.

It is not only theoretically possible, it has occurred.

Really? What mammal has evolved from a reptile in the process called evolution as per the definition of the World Book DIctionary ?

The biology textbook is the 1998 fourth edition entitled, "Biology" Prentice Hall, by Kenneth R. Miller and Joseph Levine.


on May 25, 2010

Why do you use a dictionary to learn about evolution?

Because when debating, definitions of terms is most important.

Here is the definition from the web...

  • development: a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage (especially a more advanced or mature stage); "the development of ...
  • (biology) the sequence of events involved in the evolutionary development of a species or taxonomic group of organisms
  • and another...



     (v-lshn, v-)

    1. A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form. See Synonyms at development.
    a. The process of developing.
    b. Gradual development.
    3. Biology
    a. Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species.
    b. The historical development of a related group of organisms; phylogeny.
    on May 25, 2010


    Definition of evolution as found on Internet:

    3. Biology

    a. Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species.

    b. The historical development of a related group of organisms; phylogeny.

    I can understand this definition back in Darwin's day. But since then scientific research has gained many new insights as a result of new discoveries in biochemistry, molecular biology, and geology.

    While molecular gentics generally confirms the accuracy of taxonomy, it does not confirm postulated evolutionary sequences. There are no evolutionary progressive changes resulting in the development of new species, say from fishes to amphibians, to reptiles to mammals. Molecular genetics (sequences) confirms systematics, not phylogeny. Study Linnaeus, not Darwin.  

    lula posts:

    Yet, all the evidence brought forward has only conflicted. contradicted or disproven it.


    Name three examples.

    And by examples I mean facts that contradict Darwin's theory, not anecdotes that contradict your understanding of evolution.

    Evolutionists keep on postulating evidence for evolution..fossils, natural selection of improved new forms, mutations, and molecular sequences are some,.....yet, in all these, they fail to find it.



    on May 25, 2010

    Unfortunately, the dictionary definition of the term is the sum total of your understanding of the subject.

    on May 26, 2010

    Science is about facts and truth. Chemist Linus Pauling winner of 2 Nobel prizes said, "Science is the search for truth." Bruce Alberts Pres. of the US National Academy of Sciences said, "Science and lies cannot coexist."

    You have so little knowledge of science that you probabl;y have no idea how wrong Pauling was in that case. It should also be noted that he said this in a speach about world peace. He didn't write it in a scientific essay.

    Remember that science is not about authority (that is religion) but about facts. This explains why the statement is wrong:

    The idea that science is the search for truth is an old one, but it’s not true (at least in any useful way!). Instead of considering all of science, I’ll restrict my attention to physics, because that’s the field in which the ideas of “theory”, “truth” and so on are easiest to describe. Let’s consider what it would mean for a physical theory to be true. A theory in physics is a mathematical structure of some kind together with a mapping from that structure (or perhaps some subset thereof) to entities that are postulated to exist in reality and their behaviours. The mapping is often called an “interpretation” of the theory. A theory might then be considered to be true if those postulated entities are things that really exist and the behaviours inherent in the theory are the ways those entities really behave. In other words, a true theory is an exact representation of some aspect of reality. If science were a search for truth, then the structures and relationships in successive scientific theories in a given field would presumably have to be successively more like the structures and relationships that exist out there in the world. But this isn’t the case!

    The fact that it was Linus Pauling who made the mistake doesn't make the mistake less severe or non-existing, but I am sure you thought you would impress us with this appeal to authority.

    However, to the scientific mind an unknown person explaining why not X is more valuable than an authority stating X.


    Evolutionists keep on postulating evidence for evolution..fossils, natural selection of improved new forms, mutations, and molecular sequences are some,.....yet, in all these, they fail to find it.

    Actually, we keep finding these forms and mutations. We found surprisingly many fossils to back up evolution.


    Unfortunately, the dictionary definition of the term is the sum total of your understanding of the subject.

    If only it was. But the dictionary definition doesn't even say as much about evolution as Lula constantly brings up. It would be fun to watch her "explain" her views on evolution if there weren't so many of her kind that the ignorant could force the rest of the world to learn their religion instead of science. Look at how badly countries are doing that actually teach Creationism as science!

    Just imagine if it were as socially acceptable to be ignorant about gravity as it is about evolution. We would have people like Lula telling us that gravity is not fact and has been disproven. And the examples for this proof would be the fact that no scientist has ever found a rock floating in the air, a "transitional fossil" that "proves" that rocks fall from ten feet to zero feet.

    Plus those people would argue that the theory of gravity claims that rocks can float, just like Darwin's theory claims that one species "turns into" another.

    (I should note that there is no evidence that the planets really travel around the sun when they are out of our sight. They might teleport away and back once they are on the other side of the sun.)


    on May 26, 2010

    The answer is "G-d made it happen like that". What the Creationists don't want to realise is that that very answer disqualifies the story as a science.

    They're trying to confuse and fool people. The sort of thing Satan does.

    on May 26, 2010

    I wrote about gravity here:

    I am arguing that gravity has been proven wrong since I couldn't find transitional rocks floating at three feet, hence it is impossible for rocks to fall from ten feet to the ground.


    on May 26, 2010

    Unfortunately, the dictionary definition of the term is the sum total of your understanding of the subject.

    on May 26, 2010

    As per biology textbooks, the definition of EVOLUTION is: a molecules-to-man natural transformation in which new, "higher" genetic information is gained which was not possessed by one's ancestor.[/quote]

    Definition of evolution as found on Internet: 3. Biology a. Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species.

    lula posts: As per the World Book Dictionary the definition of Evolution is: something evolved; product of development; not a sudden discovery or creation. the theory that all living things developed from a few simple forms of life through a series of physical changes. According to evolution, the first mammal developed from a type of reptile and ultimately all forms are traced back to to a simple, perhaps single celled, organism.

    [quote who="Daiwa" comment="100"]Unfortunately, the dictionary definition of the term is the sum total of your understanding of the subject.

    The Biology textbook, website and dictionary definitions of evolution are basicially the same thing. I say evolution according to these definitions never occurred and can not occur.   

    To that you say:

    daiwa posts You are quite wrong. It is not only theoretically possible, it has occurred. Nothing about the World Book Dictionary definition contradicts what I maintain.

    Really? Evolution has occurred? Where? What? How so?

    What mammal has evolved from a reptile in the process called evolution as per the definition of the World Book DIctionary? Where? What? How so?

    Still waiting for your answer and detailed explanation. 

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